The Faith of Uncertainty
A sermon on Matthew 14:22-33 (sermon audio recording available here - note, some divergence between manuscript and recording. Photo by...

Perspectives on a Miracle
A sermon on John 2:1-11 (for an audio recording of this sermon, click here. Photo by Tom Crew on Unsplash.) Father of the Bride It was a...

Wrestling with Weakness
A sermon on Matthew 14:13-21 and Genesis 32:22-31 [for an audio recording of this sermon, click here; photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash]...

The Miracle of Touching the Untouchable
A sermon on Mark 5:21-43 As part of a sermon on today’s gospel passage, Episcopal priest Barbara Brown Taylor wrote the following: “The...

On Pain and Resurrection Hope
In the past year, I have prayed SO MANY prayers for healing. I have prayed for healing for victims of natural disasters, and epidemics,...

Freed for Absurd Compassion
A sermon on Matt. 14: 13-21 Show of hands. How many of you have heard the story of the feeding of the 5,000 at least once before? What...