Welcome > Gatekeeping
This sermon was preached at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church as part of a pulpit exchange for the 5th Sunday of Easter. The texts for the...

Well done, Good and Anxious Servant
A sermon on Matt. 25:14-30 and Judges 4:1-10. [For an audio recording of this sermon, click here. Photo by Ian on Unsplash] I have to...

Letting go of our temples
A sermon on Luke 21:5-19 (audio recording available here) I’m going to do things a little differently today. I’m going to preach a sermon...

The Miracle of Touching the Untouchable
A sermon on Mark 5:21-43 As part of a sermon on today’s gospel passage, Episcopal priest Barbara Brown Taylor wrote the following: “The...

Crying for the Gospel
A sermon on Mark 1: 1-8, and Isaiah 40:1-11 A dear friend of mine – who is normally a purveyor of the joy and light of Christ –recently...

The Offensive, Healing Kingdom
Sermon on Matthew 15:10-28 Today’s gospel reading offers us two different scenes, and the lectionary actually gives preachers the choice...