Advent Pageant: The Hope of a Changing World
An original pageant inspired by Luke 1:39-55 [No audio recording today, but you can see the video of the pageant at this link , starting...

On Misappropriated Witness and Christian Nationalism
Last month, our community held two forum discussions reviewing the ELCA’s draft social statement on Civic Life and Faith. The...

Being Part of A Miracle
A dramatic proclamation of John 6: 1-21 in the form of an imagined interview. Today we have a very special visitor! The story we just...

Imagine hearing Jesus say your name
An Easter Sermon on John 20:1-18. [for an audio recording of this sermon, click here. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.com] Imagine waking...

The Story of God's Expanding Love
A dramatic proclamation sermon for Reformation Sunday (drawing on the biblical stories of Job, Ruth, the Ethiopian Eunuch [Acts 8:26-39],...

Faith is a Love Affair, Not a Job Interview
A sermon on Luke 18:9-14. [Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash.] There once were two people who wanted to be right with God. [Two actors...